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Private Donations: About
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One-Time Donations

Financial help for musicians from low-income families

The Stichting Davidsbündler Foundation's goal is to provide top education to talented young pianists and string players, regardless of their backgrounds and nationalities.

Help for young Ukrainian and European talent 
Thanks to generous donors and benefit concerts, we provide full scholarships for many talented young Ukrainian musicians who fled Kyiv's National Conservatory and Lyceum for Gifted Children who found refuge in The Netherlands. We assist promising young artists from the NL and surrounding countries to help them realise their dreams.

Donate in any shape or size
Every donation helps young and talented musicians further their careers through education and experience. For € 125, a young promising musician receives a private instrument lesson from an acclaimed artist-level professor. For € 10.000, a student receives the complete Academist educational programme for an entire year at full scholarship. Any donation is more than welcome. For more information, please contact: 

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Support the Academy

Leave a one-time donation

*For amounts larger than €1000, please make a bank transfer to the account below, or get in touch with us at:

Thank you for helping us make a difference!

Bank Transfers

Bank account transfers are possible directly into the Davidsbündler Foundation’s bank account. Please mention "donation" in the description and include any other relevant information (incl. your email address) so that we can thank you personally and invite you to special friend-events of the Davidsbündler Music Academy. 

Bank account (Rabobank)
Stichting Davidsbündler Foundation
IBAN: NL67 RABO 0189 9911 00

The Stichting Davidsbündler Foundation has an ANBI status. Donations are tax deductible. Davidsbündler musicians/students have all passed the audition process and are accepted only based on their ability and talent. Nationality and financial status do not play a role in the audition process.

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